Add Watermark Text to your Images Online

When you create a blog or a website, you must take care about your posts and articles. When some steal your articles, you report his/her blog to Google. When we talk about articles based on words and phrase, we must take look over images/photos which are uploaded on your blog/website. Google never gives you good response to your request for removal of images/photos until you have proven that the images that are uploaded on your blog is copyrighted by you. In this case, many authors confused to secure their images. A watermark is the best solution to secure your images to be stolen.

What is a Watermark?

A watermark is like a shadow on an image. A watermark is very hard to remove from multi-colored picture that's the reason most of the authors use watermark that shows the picture is copyrighted by their website/blog.
Any image can be watermarked easily with photo editing software. But most of peoples don't have photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop etc. If they have then a few of them knows that how to watermark a picture. For user easiness web developers made a huge collection of online tools for any purpose. There are many online photo editing websites through which you can easily edit your picture and make any changes that a good photo editing software do.
You can also watermark any picture using online photo editing software to watermark any picture easily. Today we will discuss that how you can watermark a picture through online photo editing tool and make your images secure from stolen.

Steps to Watermark am image online:

Step 1: Go to PictureMonkey and upload your picture there by click on "Edit a photo".
This is an online tool for editing any image, you can make awesomeness in any picture using this website. Also you can register on the website to save your images online and they have also "account upgrades" option, you can upgrade your account to get more functions online.

Step 2: When your image is finished uploading, click on "Tt" icon shown on the left side of your image. After clicking on text icon, choose your text style and then click  "Add Text" button.

Step 3: When you click on "Add Text" button, a text box will appear on your image shown on the right side of editing options. Type your watermark text there or anything you want.
Step 4: Now click on corner of the text box and increase "Fade" effect on your watermarked text. This will make your text lighter that shows of your images clearly without disturbing your points on the image.

By applying these steps, you will get watermarked image. Now click on save and store it in your hard disk and upload it to your blog/website, your watermarked images will never stealed by anyone. If anyone does, you can report his/her post. Your watermarked images will be removed from reported blog/website.

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